Michinoeki (Roadside station) Utonaiko

LapoLapoLA Cafeteria's "Sakhalin Surf Clam Seafood Curry" (¥1,100) contains 5 types of seafood.

A richly varied gourmet experience
by the banks of Utonai Lake

At the roadside station by the banks of Utonai Lake, you will find, in addition to the bounties of nature, a building with a string of restaurants, including "LapoLapoLA Cafeteria", supervised by Northern Horse Park's head chef, takeout corner "Plaisir", and "Sushi Demonstration Sales Store Seafood Park". Here you can have a truly varied gourmet experience, enjoying dishes made with Hokkaido-grown ingredients, beginning with Sakhalin surf clams produced in Tomakomai.

Also be sure to try "Pork Buns" made with Tomakomai brand-name pork "B1 Ton-chan". It is directly sold by the producer.
At Seafood Park, the menu items made with Sakhalin surf clams from Tomakomai are popular, as are the pressed sushi and Crabmeat Omelet on Rice.

Michinoeki (Roadside station) Utonaiko

Phone 0144-58-4137
Address 156-30 Uenae, Tomakomai
Business Hours (March to October) 9:00 to 18:00
(November to February) 9:00 to 17:00
Closed Year end/new year (12/31 to 1/2)
Seats 95 seats
Parking Yes (93 spaces, free of charge)
Reservations Yes
Credit Cards Accepted No
Website http://michinoeki-utonaiko.com/