Upopoy Winter Events
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Last Updated:January 23, 2024
Ainu cultural events that will touch your heart, with Hokkaido’s iconic snowy scenery all around.
Enjoy special winter events in a variety of venues that provide an immersive look at Ainu culture!
In Upopoy
Snow Park in UPOPOY

Take photos by a snow wall and see a mini snow sculpture of TureppoN , the Upopoy mascot, in the park!
Feb. 4 (Sun.) – 11 (Sun., hol.), 2024
Reindeer visit: Companions of the Ainu and other northern peoples

Reindeer from the Reindeer Ranch in Horonobe, Hokkaido will make a special visit to Upopoy! Enjoy sled rides and take photos with them!
Feb. 3 (Sat.) – 4 (Sun.)
【Flyer】Snow Park in UPOPOY(PDFfile4.20MB)
Odori 4-chome venue of Sapporo Snow Festival (STV Square)

Enjoy a performance of traditional Ainu performing arts and talks by Upopoy ambassadors Takashi Ukaji and Nagisa Sakaguchi on a special stage by the large snow sculptures!
Bargain Tour from Sapporo
Upopoy is offering a special tour combining a return bus between Sapporo and the venue and admission to Upopoy. Check the details below.
Inquiries about the tour
Taiwan International Travel Service Co., Ltd.
Jiaoguan Zong 2142.Quality Bao No. 1911 Representative: Watanabe Xiangchun
Address: 8th Floor, No. 126, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 104492
FAX: 02-87717552
Email: info@knt-taiwan.com