愛努文化的振興及普及啟發,面臨傳承者減少、愛努語及傳統工藝等方面處於失傳危機的狀態。不僅如此,至今愛努的歷史和文化等領域仍有著未受到充分理解的課題。在這樣的背景下,於2009年7月的「關於愛努政策應有樣態的有識者懇談會」(主會人:內閣官房長官)中,提議民族共生象徵空間是在認知愛努民族是為原住民族的基礎下,愛努政策的「關鍵」。 UPOPOY(民族共生象徵空間)不只是為了振興愛努文化的空間及設施,亦是復興並發展日本寶貴卻處於存亡危機之中的愛努文化的據點設施。同時也是面向未來,原住民族擁有尊嚴,構築沒有歧視,文化豐富多樣且充滿活力的社會之象徵。
1. 展示、調查研究功能 2. 文化傳承、人才育成功能 3. 體驗交流功能 4. 資訊傳播功能 5. 公園功能 6. 精神文化尊重功能
September 2007 | The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is adopted by the General Assembly, including Japan. |
June 2008 | Both houses of the National Diet of Japan unanimously adopt a resolution recognizing the Ainu as an indigenous people. |
July 2009 | The final report from the Council for Ainu Policy Promotion proposes the development of a “symbolic space for ethnic harmony”. |
June 2014 | A Basic Policy for Development, Management and Operation of a Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony is established by the cabinet. It is decided that this symbolic space will be created in Shiraoi Town in the Shiraoi District of Hokkaido. |
June 2017 | The Basic Policy for Development, Management and Operation of a Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony is partially revised by cabinet decision. The Ainu Culture Promotion / Research Foundation is nominated as the management body. |
April 2018 | The Ainu Culture Promotion / Research Foundation and Ainu Museum Foundation merge under the name Foundation for Ainu Culture. |
December 2018 | Upopoy is chosen as the name for the symbolic space for ethnic harmony following a national poll. |
- 設計靈感取自Poroto湖周邊的自然景觀(山脈和湖泊),以及愛努手工的極致之一——男性穿著正式服裝時,佩戴儀式用太刀使用的背帶(emus at)上的花紋。
- 主要顏色採用的是多用於愛努傳統服飾的深藍色和紅色。
- 下方的直線數呈現的是愛努語中亦用來形容「大量」的數字「6」,代表許多人來此聚集。
- 設計靈感取自傳統愛努房屋中支撐屋頂的構造之一——三腳(ketunni),代表著「支撐」愛努文化之復興、新文化之創造。
- 主要顏色採用的是多用於愛努傳統服飾的深藍色和紅色。
- 下方的直線數呈現的是愛努語中亦用來形容「大量」的數字「6」,代表許多人來此聚集,同時也與構成博物館常設展的主題展示數「6」相符合。