

阿伊努文化的振兴和普及面临着很多难题。传承人减少、阿伊努语和传统工艺濒临消失。另外,阿伊努民族的历史和文化也一些尚未得到充分理解的地方。基于这样的背景,2009年7月举办了“阿伊努政策的应有状况专家研讨会”(主持者为内阁官房长官)。提出阿伊努民族政策的前提是阿伊努民族为原住民。民族共生象征空间是实践阿伊努政策的“重中之重”。UPOPOY(民族共生象征空间)不仅是一座致力于振兴阿伊努文化的空间和设施,也是日本为复兴和发展濒临消失的阿伊努文化这一珍贵文化而设立的基地。 此外,UPOPOY也是日本面向未来,努力建设一个尊重原住民族的尊严、没有歧视且认可多种多样文化的活力社会的象征。


作为一个学习并传承阿伊努历史和文化的国家级中心设施(National Center),该空间从各种角度传承和分享在漫长历史和自然环境中孕育并繁衍至今的阿伊努文化,同时作为人们相互尊重并共生的社会象征,具备了供国内外各年龄层的人们学习阿伊努世界观和自然观的功能。

1. 展示与调查研究功能 2. 文化传承与人材培养功能 3. 体验交流功能 4. 信息发布功能 5. 公园功能 6. 精神文化尊重功能


September 2007The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is adopted by the General Assembly, including Japan.
June 2008Both houses of the National Diet of Japan unanimously adopt a resolution recognizing the Ainu as an indigenous people.
July 2009The final report from the Council for Ainu Policy Promotion proposes the development of a “symbolic space for ethnic harmony”.
June 2014A Basic Policy for Development, Management and Operation of a Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony is established by the cabinet. It is decided that this symbolic space will be created in Shiraoi Town in the Shiraoi District of Hokkaido.
June 2017The Basic Policy for Development, Management and Operation of a Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony is partially revised by cabinet decision.
The Ainu Culture Promotion / Research Foundation is nominated as the management body.
April 2018The Ainu Culture Promotion / Research Foundation and Ainu Museum Foundation merge under the name Foundation for Ainu Culture.
December 2018Upopoy is chosen as the name for the symbolic space for ethnic harmony following a national poll.
